First Return

When a person becomes liable to registration after his turnover crosses the threshold limit, he may apply for registration within 30 days of so becoming liable. Thus, there might be a time lag between a person becoming liable to registration and grant of registration certificate. First Return is for declaring supplies between this time limit.

 Annual Return

Who is required to furnish annual return and what is the due date for the same?

All registered persons are required to file an annual return. However, following persons are not required to file the annual return:

  1. Casual taxable persons.
  2. Non- resident taxable person.
  3. Input service distributors.
  4. Persons authorized to deduct/collect tax at source under section 51/52.
 The annual return for a financial year needs to be filed by 31st December of the next financial year.

The annual return is to be filed electronically in Form GSTR-9 through the common portal.

Composition scheme supplier:

 Final Return

Who is required to furnish final return?

E What is the time-limit for furnishing final return?

  • date of cancellation
  •  date of order of cancellation

whichever is later.

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